Sunday, February 22, 2009

What we're all about

Hey Guys, 

So, we decided to join the blog revolution. Or something like that.

Shauna and I have been praying about missions and wanted a place where we could put our thoughts, prayer requests, etc. This is that place. As of now, there's not much to it. 

A bit of info about us:

I lead worship for Route 56, a preteen ministry, and teach in the Arts Academy at Hunter Street Baptist Church. Shauna is an assistant at Shades Mountain Independent Church. We both have degrees from Southeastern Bible College. I'm working on my M.A. at Liberty University. We've been married for almost 2 years and have an awesome mini-dachshund named Flops. We know that we are called to ministry, but lately have been feeling that this may be overseas. We're not sure if this means that we'll go on one short term trip, a series of short term trips, a longer short term trip (6months-2 years), or spend the rest of our lives somewhere. I do know that we are open.

For some reason I have really had the desire to train pastors and other leaders and work on discipleship. You should know that I've never actually done this. I've never led a youth group, preached, or even taught the Bible formally. I have taught, but all of my teaching experience is in music. So, this is crazy right? Why would I feel called and want to do something that I've never actually done before?

I don't know. I do know that I have a passion for it and that I enjoy talking about Bible and Theology stuff.  I'm not the smartest guy that I've ever met. There are tons of guys that I know that know Theology much better than me. I love to learn and I love to help others learn. I really enjoy taking hard to understand concepts and making them more easily accessible for people. Is that enough?

In the future you can look for bios from Shauna and I as well as regular updates and thoughts as we begin this crazy missions life. 

1 comment:

  1. God certainly has a calling on your lives together. We will join in prayer with you about what God wants for you...miss you guys
